Triggered by a study of human movement as Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst Rajyashree Ramesh channelised her expertise in dance and movement into academic research, receiving a doctorate from Europa-University Viadrina, Germany, for her extensive cross-disciplinary analysis of the theory and practice of the Indian performing arts Nāṭya from the perspectives of Linguistic Gesture Studies, Cognitive Linguistics, Brain Research on emotions and movement studies. And in instantiating a dialogue between these fields, with implications for Embodiment Studies, Dance/ Movement Studies, and finally Cultural Studies, opening a new research field, as her thesis was reviewed. Her research addressed questions on embodied meaning and cognition from a movement and performing arts perspective, in particular from the perspective of a long standing tradition, thus opening new ground for the potential Indian performing arts hold both in practice and theory for current fields of research. By taking an exemplary top-down to bottom-up stance, she traces the primordial role of movement and emotions for embodiment and body-brain processes, unveiling thereby the very nature of primary movement emergent inner to outer in emotive-kinetic processes. The practical implications of this research constitute the Movement Studies programmes she offers, ushering in new perspectives for not only performance, but also dance/movement education and therapy.
Doctoral Thesis :Sensing and Shaping – the emotive-kinetic grounding of meaning. A cross-disciplinary analysis of Indian Dance Theatre.